domingo, 28 de febrero de 2010
citiation for enought video
In this video in minute 2:20 the mand beats up Jennifer Lopez. This video makes me really really angry bacuse i HATE it when a man beats up a women. I think that man that hits a women should be in prison or even dead. A man should never hit a women. This video makes me feel angry because a man is beating up a women.
This video makes me feel really happy because I love music and I play in the school band and we sounded really good on the music festival. We won the prize of superior, that was the best prize. I was really happy because we put lots of dedication and time to the band and at the final presentation we were the best!

This video makes me really sad because you can see how millions of poeple are dying because of world hunger, including litte kids. It makes me sad because there are many people aound the world that are not thankful enough for what they have knowing that there are millions of people that need help in the world.

lunes, 22 de febrero de 2010

Picture citations

In this picture there are some word of the Aztec language. Through language people can discover that past and also certain events that happened in history. For exmaple, the Aztec civilization. There are experts that know how to talk and decifer the Aztec language, and through that, it helps us udtersand much more the aztec civilization.

I thi picture we can see how people transimit their feelings and opinions throught their language. By the language they speak they undertand each other and talk about different kinds of thing.

Discuss the roles of language and reason in history.

Discuss the roles of language and reason in history.

The roles of language and reason are a really important parts in the area of history. Through language people can communicate what happened in the past and in the way people transimts that past to other people throught language. Language helps us undestand the past because it helps us to discover they way of thinking of the people in the past. Language always changes over time. Maybe what people used to communicate 100 years ago, maybe today is completeley the opposite.

sábado, 6 de febrero de 2010

I found the art exposition really interesting. I though it was kind of weird but i really liked it. This is art is way different from any art Ive seen. It is original and the artist has a different style of interpreting his ideas than many other artists.