jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010

KKK Propaganda

  • Origin: -From an KKK member-Obviously a white guy.

  • Purpose:-This image was inteded for the people to join the KKK.-To reclute more member in the KKK

  • Value: This was drawn by an KKK member and KKK wants more people to know about them.

  • Limitations: The limitation of these image is that this was drawn by a KKK member and therefore it is biased because it is just from one point of view.


domingo, 21 de marzo de 2010

This video shows tha various types of fractals that are in nature, and how we saw it before we knew about fractals.


This is a leaf. This is a clear example of a fractal because it is self organizing, and has the same shape when every time you zoom it in. There are also straight lines that are cut or jagged.

domingo, 14 de marzo de 2010




David Reimer

David Reimer was born in Canada in 1965. At eight months old, he was brought in for a standard procedure: circumcision. Unfortunately, during the process his penis was burned off. This was due to the physicians using an electrocautery needle instead of a standard scalpel. David´s parents went to psychologist John Money. Money said that the simplest solution was a sex change and reconstruct david a vagina. David was now called Brenda. John used david as his own case study and wanted to determine that nurture, not nature, determined gender indentity.

This experiment is 100% unethical. It is unethical because the phsychologist John Money used David as his own private case study. He convinced David´s parents to do what he wanted and reconstruct David a vagina and give him women hormones and estrogen. This is also unethical because the person being tested had no knowledge that he was an experiment nor his parents.

domingo, 7 de marzo de 2010

"Doubt is the key to knowledge" (Persian Proverb)

I think this Persian Proverb is absolutely right. Doubt is the key to knowledge because everytime that you doubt something you start looking for the real answer and you discover new things, hence you get more knowledge.

1. In history, for example, if there is a certain event that you doubt that it really happened you search for it and you look for what really happened. Therefore, you have more knowledge on what really happened on that event.

2.In school, for example, in my math class I have certain doubts about the formulas, so I question Mr. McDowell and he tells me the real answer.

3.Once my car had mechanical problems so I took it to an auto-mechanic shop and they told me that the radiator was giving the car problems. I doubted it was the radiator, and the next day the car still gave me problems so I took it again to the workshop and it turned out it was the engine.